How to extend the life of a bouquet of roses
Roses are rightfully considered the most exquisite flowers that are customary to give for any celebration. But without proper care, a bouquet of roses is fragrant and has a pleasant appearance for only a few days, and then begins to fade. But if you follow fairly simple recommendations, flowers can please the eye and fill the house with aroma for up to four weeks.
Water treatment
Water plays a particularly important role in the longevity of cut flowers, so it must be given special attention. It is not recommended to put roses in running water, the quality of which is in doubt. For a bouquet, it is better to use either special distilled water, or ordinary water, previously cleaned with a filter, settled for half an hour. Roses are moody flowers, and a dirty vase can shorten their life considerably. Therefore, before putting a new bouquet in it, you need to thoroughly wash it from the old one.
The temperature regime, which depends on the air temperature outside, is also very important. Experienced florists have long noticed that when frosts rage outside, water for a bouquet should be taken at room temperature. And in the summer, in the heat, on the contrary, it is recommended to add a few ice cubes to the vase to cool the water a little.
In order for a bouquet of roses to remain beautiful for a long time, nutrients should also be added to the water. Sugar has a very positive effect on the safety of roses. Its small amount, only 30 g per liter, will significantly extend the life of these flowers, and they will fill the air with their aroma for a long time.
Equally important is disinfection
Breeding bacteria present in poor quality water adversely affect the lifespan of the bouquet. To get rid of harmful microorganisms, you can add ordinary table vinegar to the water – 1 tsp. per litre. But this method is not suitable for everyone, because vinegar has a sharp unpleasant odor, and many do not tolerate it. There is an alternative to this method of disinfection. Vinegar can be replaced with aspirin, which should be present in every first aid kit. One tablet of it per liter of water will do an excellent job with bacteria and prolong the life of flowers.
There is a more unusual way – water purification from bacteria using a reverse osmosis filter.
If you put any silver jewelry on the bottom of the vase, the water will be disinfected to the desired level. This noble metal has long confirmed the indisputability of its useful properties.
There are also radical methods of disinfection – these are special products in the form of chemical dressings, sold in many flower shops. They significantly extend the life of live roses if used correctly. It is necessary to add just a drop of the product to the water, and this will allow the cut flowers to fully “eat”.
What else to do to extend the life of a bouquet of roses
Liquid in a vase tends to stagnate. In it, especially in the warm season, bacteria multiply rapidly, damaging cut flowers. Therefore, it is recommended to change it daily. But softened water is better not to use because of the possible presence of salt in it. It is useful to cut the stems of roses every day from the bottom with sharp scissors.
Cutting stems under water
The daily pruning of the tips of the stems when changing the liquid in the vase should be discussed in more detail. For this process, there is a technique that must be followed. It is desirable to cut the stems under warm, but not hot running water. This should be done at an angle, which contributes to immediate hydration. For pruning, it is better to use a sharp knife instead of scissors or secateurs. With it, it is easier to achieve an acute angle. It should not exceed 45°. But the sharper the angle, the better the water will be absorbed into the cut and seep deeper into the plant.